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Electron (32-bit)

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Download Electron 22.0.0 (32-bit)

  -  87 MB  -  Open Source

What's new in this version:

Breaking Changes:
- Added WebContents input-event event.
- Deprecated BrowserWindow scroll-touch-* events
- The deprecated new-window event has been removed

- Added LoadBrowserProcessSpecificV8Snapshot as a new fuse that will let the main/browser process load its v8 snapshot from a file at browser_v8_context_snapshot.bin. Any other process will use the same path as is used today
- Added WebContents.opener to access window opener
- Added webContents.fromFrame(frame) to get the WebContents corresponding to a WebFrameMain instance
- Added app.getSystemLocale() method
- Added contextBridge.exposeInIsolatedWorld(worldId, key, api) to expose an API to an isolatedWorld within a renderer from a preload script
- Added webContents.close() method
- Added webFrameMain.origin
- Added an app.getPreferredSystemLanguages() API to return the user's system languages
- Added new UtilityProcess API to launch chromium child process with node integration
- Added new WebContents event content-bounds-updated
- Added new WebContents.ipc and WebFrameMain.ipc APIs
- Added support for Web Bluetooth pin pairing on Linux and Windows
- Added support for navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia via a new session handler, ses.setDisplayMediaRequestHandler
- Added support for serialPort.forget() as well as a new event serial-port-revoked emitted when a given origin is revoked

- Added support for Webauthn discoverable keys (aka resident keys), allowing users to authenticate without first having to select or type a username
- Enable crashpad for ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE processes on linux
- Fixed click event and tooltip of Tray not working on Linux
- Fixed an issue where frameless non-resizable windows showed a Windows 7 frame during startup
- Fixed an issue with incomplete EventEmitter object in sandboxed renderer preload script
- Fixed race condition during update on macOS that could result in TCC and Keychain errors
- Removed unneeded --turbo-profiling-input argument from mksnapshot_args

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